Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to Get a Free HTML Web Hosting

By Jon Johnson

Website hosting is one business online that is gaining much popularity as it offers many web owners various kinds of hosting features and services. One of the most used programs in website building, design and creation is HTML which is very easy to learn especially with first-timers on the field of website building and creation as it only requires some basic skills and knowledge not much of the technical stuff that other programming language requires. To build a website and look for a hosting companies that would cater your needs there are some basic information that you need to know. Moreover you may want to browse for Singapore Web Hosting companies as they are known to offer quality features and services.

HTML is the shortcut for HyperText Markup Language, it's a computer language that enables one to create a website of their preference. The code used in HTML is what people see now at websites in the internet. This is good for beginners as it does not need much of technical knowledge and skill to do or create a website just the basics. Professional web masters also use this to create beautiful web pages that are being run online.

When one decides to create their own website more often than not the most obvious choice of many is to use HTML, which may either be free or bought. Using the internet, you can search a lot of free HTML editor at your disposal. One very good example of a free HTML editor would be the Kompozer as it is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) kind of editor which most people use because of its ease and basic skill requirement. This program is easy to learn and use for website creation and makes beautiful website pages as well.

Your hosting needs is not that hard to get as well as there are millions of web hosting companies that offer somewhat the same services and package features. Though you do might want to check out their uptime reliability features, technical support and customer support, disk space and bandwidth packages as well as the type of servers they offer like cloud hosting, shared or dedicated hosting.

One can just do anything in the internet these days, website building is just one of them and the internet offers a variety of service and feature choices like free HTML web hosting. Singapore has made millions of money just by web hosting other websites.

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